


Each year Pallotti offers students the opportunity to explore the world and learn about different cultures through a variety of international trips. In the past Pallotti students have traveled to many different countries including 意大利, 爱尔兰, 德国, 苏格兰, 英格兰, 希腊, 厄瓜多尔和加拉帕戈斯群岛, 伯利兹, 还有更多. We travel with a global company called EF (Education First). This company is a world leader in international education and they guarantee the lowest price for our trips. The trips are amazing experiences for the students that are able to go.

There are so many great benefits to be gained from international travel including: 

  • Learning more about the world and different cultures
  • Stepping out of their comfort zone and gaining self confidence
  • Gaining a sense of independence (traveling without a family member)
  • Making friends with students from other schools and countries



Pallotti is offering an educational trip to Hawaii in June of 2024 and we still have spots available! 在这次旅行中,学生们将参观珍珠港, 远足钻石头, 体验夏威夷宴会, 参观一个黑色的沙滩和更多! There will be an informational meeting about this trip on Thursday, September 21 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be virtual so please use the following link to 会议回复: http://bit.ly/3sCE3hG.  This is an amazing opportunity for your student to learn more about our country, 获得新的视角, get out of their comfort zone and build skills for the future.



Pallotti is going to Portugal in June of 2025 and we would love to have you come with us! On this trip we will wind our way along the Atlantic coast, experiencing the cosmopolitan flair of Porto and Lisbon alongside the rustic charm of rural Portugal. We will see the Baroque-style libraries in the ancient capital of Coimbra and venture to the rugged seaside cliffs, which Portuguese explorers once considered the end of the world. We will also visit ancient churches and religious sites like Fatima. Join us to explore the culture and cuisine of this beautiful country! There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, October 10 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be virtual so please use the following link to 会议回复: http://bit.ly/3YKcoak


请电子邮件 Ms. Grenchik, kgrenchik@apostles-today.net, 如果你有任何问题 夏威夷或葡萄牙之旅.



Science Department Chair; Hawaii 2024 & 葡萄牙2025旅行协调员


Pallotti is offering a 9-day educational trip to China in June-July of 2024 and we still have spots available! 在这次旅行中,学生们将参观北京, 西安, 上海, 爬长城, 体验一顿中国家常菜, 看一场唐朝表演等等! There will be an informational meeting about this trip on Thursday, September 28 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be virtual so please use the following link to 会议回复: http://bit.ly/458BQZt. This trip is a great opportunity for your child to explore one of the largest countries in the world, 尝试新食物, 体验完全不同的文化, 培养全球合作技能.


请电子邮件 Ms. 肉体, mcarnes@apostles-today.net, 如果你对 中国之行.



Foreign Language and Strings Teacher; China 2024 Trip Coordinator

伯利兹 Immersion Trip - Laudato Si: January 2025

2025年1月, we will be taking a group of nine students to 伯利兹 to take part in a cultural and ecological immersion trip. This immersion trip is part research, part service, part reflection, and part fun. 此次访问的主要内容如下:

  • Focus 1 will include an in-depth scientific study of the environment, 生态系统, 和伯利兹的野生动物. This will be achieved by exploring various sites and by working with researchers active in 伯利兹. Possible site visits will include the Tropical Education Center, 伯利兹动物园, 猴湾野生动物保护区, 社区狒狒保护区, 伯利兹有机农场, 以及参观珊瑚礁等. Students should expect to learn about and participate in some of the work being done in environmental and habitat restoration.

  • Focus 2 will involve studying the papal encyclical 赞颂你:关爱我们共同的家园. This letter from Pope Francis calls on all people of goodwill to reflect upon and find creative solutions to the environmental challenges that we face today. 照顾, 欣赏…之美, and loving the natural world are integral to the Catholic faith. Students will reflect upon the scriptural basis for caring for God’s creation, the human roots of our environmental challenges, 以及如何运用整体生态学. 学生将学习文化, 民族, 语言, 灵性, 食物, 以及伯利兹人民的音乐. Site visits include Pallotti High School in 伯利兹 City, St. Agnes Anglican School, Belmopan Market Plaza, Xunantunich Mayan Ruins, and Nohoch Che’en State Park. Catholic contemplative prayer practices will be taught and experienced throughout the trip. 


  • Are interested in nature, marine biology, zoology, and/or environmental issues.
  • Are interested in developing an ecological 灵性 which includes deepening one’s appreciation for God’s creation aka the natural world.
  • Love the outdoors, hiking, snorkeling, and cave tubing. 
  • Are interested in serving and building relationships with students at Pallotti High School in 伯利兹 City. 


If you would like to apply for the 伯利兹 Immersion Trip, please complete the application linked below and return to Mr. Bayly由 4月15日. 名额仅限9人. Once accepted into the program, your spot will be reserved for 14 days. A $500 deposit will be required to hold your reservation. 全部款项将于12月15日到期th.

  • Application for 伯利兹 Immersion Trip: (available now below)

Students should expect to meet several times during the fall to discuss Laudato Si and what to expect on the trip. Accepted students are encouraged to read Laudato Si and to watch the Laudato Si documentary linked below.

访问应用程序 感谢你的纪录片 赞颂你:关爱我们共同的家园

请电子邮件 Mr. Bayly, bbayly@apostles-today.net, 如果你对 伯利兹城之旅.



Social Studies Department Head; 伯利兹 2025 Trip Coordinator


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